Thursday, June 30, 2011

Anybody have a truck who could help move 6 wavemaster boxes from my house to the gym???
Team JaxBJJ & Chicago Pizza have teamed up for the UFC Fights. Support our 'partner' on Saturday Night!! Ousss
"When written in Chinese, the word "crisis" is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity."~~John F. Kennedy

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

"Admiration: Our polite recognition of another man's resemblance to ourselves."

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

"Treat people as if they were what they should be, and you help them become what they are capable of becoming."~~~Goethe

Monday, June 27, 2011

"Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."
Attention Ladies: I need your help please....What are some favorable times during the day to have kickboxing/fitness classes? Times???

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ability is of little account without opportunity.~~Napoleon Bonaparte

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Wanna Lose 10-20 pounds faster than you can wardrobe? Then get busy----

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sleep? Who has time for sleep.....I've got sh*t to do!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Who say's that you have to compete, or you have to be a world champion, or be this belt , or that belt to teach BJJ. It was that way in the 90's, and into the new millenium...But it's 2011 and the cat is out of the bag folks....
You too can teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to don't need to be a World Champion, you don't have to be a Black Belt in've just got to be a GOOD TEACHER!

If you are a SERIOUS Martial Arts School Owner who wants to have THE BEST and most WELL ROUNDED Kid's in your area....

Keep Reading you're gonna like what I have to say. I am going to give you a heads up though. I'm going to get up in your grill a little, all in fun of course, but hopefully in a way that will get you, your mindset and YOUR SCHOOL totally into the game as it relates to capitalizing on the UFC, Mixed Martial Arts, and BJJ, and how these factors can positively influence YOUR LIFE:

GREAT NEWS: The Teaching Model has changed.............and the Pricing is OUTSTANDING, but first....let me get in your face a little...LOL!

In your face question #1:

Why are you not currenlty teaching BJJ to Kids?

Well Larry:

I'm not a BJJ Black Belt,...yada, yada, yada.....

Ok you're not. Neither is 99.999% of the world!

Here's an analogy for you.

Who are two of the greatest collegiate football coaches in the history of football. If you go on the win-loss's Joe Paterno at #1 and Bobby Bowden at #2.

Two incredibly talented and athletic guys right? WRONG.

Check their playing days. Not big time All-American Players. Average at Best. But what were they? GREAT TEACHERS and MOTIVATORS of YOUNG MEN!

And, oh yeah, there's another guy who was Head Coach at Notre Dame, who played ball in college. He was a 2nd string guard, at about 150 pounds.......He's now one of College Football's most popular announcers, Dr. Lou......Lou Holtz.

Okay, so you're not a black belt in BJJ! Who are a Black Belt in Your Style and You are A Black Belt Teacher of Children...........That's What Matters....

In your face question #2:

If you are NOT currently enjoyed the success of UFC and the popularity of MMA and BJJ..........WHY AREN'T YOU?

I know what you're thinking.

--I don't want the MMA, Tough guy fighters in my Academy. (Neither do I!)
--I've got families, I've got children in my school, my wife and kids even come here. (I do too!)
--Those cats look dangerous, and I've even got some nice stuff in my school that I don't want to be trashed! LOL....... (It won't be!)

Don't feel bad, that's what A LOT of people think...until they go behind the curtains and see, feel, and understand that BJJ is a GREAT ART. It's very technical, yet it's kind of got a 'bad rap' from a few bad apples.

You can be the guy who demonstrates what a great ART BJJ is, and grow your school and your revenues in the process. You are currently changing young lives for the better.

Give YOURSELF a break, and put some electricity back into your life and into YOUR school with BJJ. Let the UFC, MMA Craze work FOR you and not AGAINST YOU?

In your face question #3 is actually a series of questions, but I promised myself only three questions!!! lol:

--What is your WHY?
--Why are you even on this site?
--Why aren't you capitalizing on the MMA Craze with a superior and well recognized Ground Program for Kids?

Something is 'missing' from your school, you know it, and I know it.
I've worked with hundreds of people just like you. A bunch of them have 'bit' and have reaped GREAT rewards. Others have not. They call or email me every few months, maybe once a year. What they are waiting on...only they know.

Don't be one of those guys or girls? They wonder why their ship never comes in....while they are watching it leave the port!!! Don't be one of 'em.

Do you need a boost in your school?
Is there the need for more students, more money?
Is your future secure?
Or is that what's keeping you up at night?

NOW: The best news of all......THE PRICE is only $397 for the License to use all marks, materials, and curriculums.

And then for just $57 per month:

--You will be welcomed into the Kid-Jitsu "Inner Circle" of School Owners and Instructors
--You will have access to:
--Instructional Videos
--Instructor Manuals
--Instructors Forum
--Weekly Trouble Shooting Videos
--Monthly Teleseminar or Webinar
--Access to on-going Video Library
--Access to additional Coaching, Seminars, and best business practices (SEO, Blogging, Facebook, etc..)

I am only taking 100 schools for now. If you are one of the first 100, I will knock you price down to $297, and your monthly investment down to $47 per month......Call me NOW to get the ball rolling!!!! That's already a $220 savings for the year...If you do what you KNOW what you need to do.

A World Class BJJ program for Kids is just a phone call or email away.

Call me at 904-242-9343 or email me at to receive your materials and "get going!" Theres a ton of good information on here, surf around a little, take some notes, and lets get you busy capitalizing on the popularity of the UFC and the MMA craze.....Ousss!

Professor Larry Shealy
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt
Father of Kid-Jitsu
"Champion for Children's Success!"

PS: It's the things that we don't do in our lives that can haunt us forever......

PPS: Nike says JUST DO IT.........let's go the extra mile and DO IT NOW!! You will be glad you did...I guarantee it!!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Another FB housekeeping issue: I don't care about the Q and A games, or any of the other games on here. I don't care what trophies or medallions or what ever else you have reached in these games. Please do not send this stuff my way. Anything positive, life enriching, inspirational or BJJ related is most appreciated. Thanks!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Today is going to be a GREAT Day!

Friday, June 17, 2011

JaxBJJ: all classes on Regular Schedule on Saturday. Team Training during regular BJJ class on Mat 2.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Tremendous energy on the mat tonight....great job Steven, Kohl and Chip. Train Hard, Train Smart....Train for Life!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

JaxBJJ is on FIRE! We are experiencing huge growth in BJJ, KJ & Muay Thai. Ladies Bootcamp is taking off, and we are adding a new program that will blow the doors off!! Stay tuned!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Giving everybody a heads up, posting on JaxBJJ & MMA, and also to Kid-Jitsu, but will be phasing out the personal FB Page...FYI. LDS

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Great reports on Sarg Moran's Ladies Fitness Boot Camp.....set your goals and come make it happen with Mirna's leadership....."embrace your inner goddess", ladies!
Videographer coming to JaxBJJ during 7pm class. Would also like some Kid-Jitsu Students, Bootcamp and Muay Thai students to be there for some quick video shots on the 2nd mats.....who can be there?
Team Picture Reminder for all JaxBJJ, Kid-Jitsu, Muay-Thai, MMA, Boot Camp And Affiliates. Saturday at 11am sharp. Wear uniforms. Gloves, etc for Mma and Muay Thai.~~Professor Larry

Monday, June 6, 2011

JaxBJJ Ladies Fitness Boot Camp kicks off Wednesday June 8 @ 6pm. JaxBJJ--"where men are men, and the ladies kick a$$"
"You're happiest while you're making the greatest contribution."~~Robert F. Kennedy

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Never let the fear of striking out get in your way."~~George Herman "Babe" Ruth

Friday, June 3, 2011

Kid-Jitsu going virtual--videos and instructor manuals soon to be available on-line as downloads...thru FB Pages...Kid-Jitsu & JaxBJJ